Creating inclusive, sustainable & efficient food systems for Africa

Access to Market

Our focus is to first capture the data of all participants, include them within the financial system where they are excluded, strengthen the governance structure of the cooperative/groups, and educate the farmers on the bouquet of AFEX’s services.

Outreach and Aggregation

We provide access to output markets for smallholder farmers, reducing food waste and ensuring year-round. We use an incentive-led approach to strengthen farmer groups, adopting them as sustainable vehicles for economic growth and transformation of rural communities.


With over 200 warehouses across Africa, we provide affordable and secure storage to farmers through the provision of warehouses in close proximity to farming clusters. Our national spread of storage infrastructure coupled with tech and ag-data capabilities position us uniquely to serve our clients.

Financial Inclusion

We provide access to input credit to the farmers to increase yields and reduce post-harvest losses, resulting in an increase in residual income and investments. Our innovative input financing program guarantees farmers a ready market for selling the produce harvested at the end of the production season.

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    Farmers reached

    455,369 MT

    Storage Capacity


    Value chain(s)

    Live Market